Beth Madison Howse Mini-College

Beth Madison Howse Mini-College

The Fisk University Beth Madison Howse Mini-College was established around 1980 as the brainchild of Mrs. Ingrid Collier. She wrote a proposal to President Walter Leonard detailing her vision of providing a college-like atmosphere for school-aged children where fun and learning math, science, fitness, language arts, social studies, art, music, speech, dance, etc. were intertwined. Beth Howse was the first director and ran the mini-college well for thirty-two years.  The students were led in instruction by educators and professionals from the University, as well as the city at large. The class schedule was likened to college students in as much as there were MWF classes and T/H classes.  Fridays were always fun-filled with field trips, guest speakers, or movies.  They were surrounded by Fisk culture and it was the general goal of the mini college to encourage children to think of college attendance at a young age and perhaps even consider matriculating at Fisk.

Today, Mrs. Collier’s vision is still holding true and the current director is determined to allow the legacy of Beth Howes to live on through the continuation of the Mini-College.  We accept applications from children ages 5-12.  The curriculum is still centered on cultural arts, math, science, speech, music, dance, computer programming, Spanish, Life’s Little Lessons, Black History, Field trips, etc.  There is a lot of fun to be had by all!!

Program Goal: Surround children with Fisk culture and encourage them to think of college attendance at a young age and perhaps even consider matriculating at Fisk.

Program Dates: June 2 - July 11, 2025

Application Deadline: We will accept applications through May 31, 2024, or until capacity is met

Program Eligibility:  Ages 5 - 12

Orientation Session: 

Date: Sunday, June 1, 2025

Location: Fisk Memorial Chapel

Time: 4:00 PM


Scan to pay for your Child's Mini College 2025

  • Welcome
  • Introduction of Staff
    •  Instructors
    • Counselors
  • Parent information Highlight
  • Question/Answers session

Note: Please return all forms and fulfill the payment balance before your leave. 


  • Math 

  • Science

  • Spanish

  • Creative Writing

  • Computer Animation

  • Music

  • African Dance and Drumming

  • Speech

  • Fitness

  • Fisk History

  • Black History

  • Life's Little Lessons

  • A variety of fun-filled field trips and adventures