Biology Major
Faculty offers both graduate and undergraduate programs and is active in developmental biology, environmental studies, microbiology, mycology, and neuropharmacology. Advanced students have opportunities to work with faculty researchers on projects. Many students present papers at scientific meetings.
Discipline Coordinator- Phyllis Freeman, Ph.D

Chair's Welcome Statement
Welcome to the multidisciplinary Department of Life and Physical Sciences. Because we recognize that paradigm-shifting discoveries occur at the interface of traditional disciplines in the academy, Fisk has integrated our natural science departments to provide students with an environment that fosters interdisciplinary thinking. Our department enjoys the scholarship of faculty in Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Physics. Our undergraduate students work with creative investigators as well as committed teachers to foster critical thinking and their own independent work. Fisk also hosts MS programs in biology, chemistry, and physics and is a founding co-partner with Vanderbilt University in the nationally recognized Fisk-Vanderbilt MS-PhD Bridge Program.
Academic Disciplines
Being a Biology major gives you an in-depth understanding of the natural world. It also helps you learn how to conduct research, problem solve, organize, and think critically. lem solve, organize, and think critically.
Major Requirements
Requirements for the undergraduate biology major, in addition to the University degree requirements outlined within this Bulletin.
Major Map
Suggested program plan for Biology Major--B.A./B.S. Degree
Course Descriptions
The course descriptions give a detailed explanation of all undergraduate courses for Biology offered by Fisk University.

Jasmine Roberson
'2020This Month's Featured Biology Student
While here at Fisk, I have been blessed with the opportunity of not only being able to nourish my love for science, but I have also been able to grow spiritually through our Chapel on campus. After graduating from Fisk, I will be continuing my education and plan to attend Nursing School in my hometown of Knoxville, Tennessee.