Pre-Professional Programs

Pre-Professional Programs

Career choice and choice of major field are of course related. They should not, however, be thought of as identical. Many of Fisk's pre-professional programs are organized within traditional arts and sciences disciplines, which the faculty believes are apt to provide the best professional preparation.

Students seeking help with the exploration of career options should consult their academic advisors or personnel of the Career Services Center. Students are advised to get to know the Career Services staff early in the college years, and not to wait until the senior year to begin exploring career options. The Office of Career Services is also an excellent source of opportunities for co-curricular experiences during the summer.


  • Pre Medicine and Pre Dental
  • Pre Pharmacy
  • Pre Engineering
  • Bridge to the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) [This program was discontinued in March 2017-no new students will be admitted.]

Overview of the Fisk/Meharry Medical College BA to MD or DDS Pathway

Fisk University students who meet the academic expectations of this program can be accepted into the School of Medicine or Dentistry at Meharry Medical College after three years at Fisk, with the first year medical or dental school courses serving as elective course requirements to complete the 120 hours needed to obtain a B.A. or B.S. at Fisk University. A parallel program also can be chosen where students are accepted into the pre-medicine or pre-dental program at Meharry Medical College but transition to Meharry after four years at Fisk University, and having already attained their Fisk degree.

Acceptance into the Program

Acceptance occurs early in the second semester of the first year at Fisk University. Students who have strong ACT scores from their High School and maintain that academic excellence with a minimum GPA of 3.2 at Fisk during their first semester are eligible to apply to the program.

There is a two stage application. The First Stage of the application includes a personal statement and transcript from Fisk University as well as completion of an application form with personal and family history information.  These materials are submitted in early January of the second semester of a student’s first year at Fisk. Students selected for further consideration are requested to complete the second stage

The Second Stage of the application requires three letters of recommendation from Fisk faculty as well as a polished personal statement and other application materials, all of which – for selected students- become part of the student’s permanent file for admission to Meharry Medical College

Students will be interviewed in February after submission of the second stage of the BA-MD application.

Students, when accepted, can choose between one of two programs:

1)Students attend Fisk University Years 1 thru Year 3, completing all of their required coursework for their major.  Transition to Meharry is NOT automatic, but requires that the student maintain a GPA of 3.4 in the sciences and, based on current MCAT scoring, has at least a 24 on their MCAT. Students who meet these requirements and have completed their Fisk work in an appropriate fashion will join Meharry Medical College the June after their third year, with the first year at Meharry counting as elective courses for their 澳门皇冠赌场平台 MA degree, which they will obtain the May after their first year at Meharry.

Once at Meharry, all funding for scholarships is dependent in selection for scholarship aid from Meharry

2)Students attend Fisk University Years 1 thru 4,  completing all of their required coursework for their major and graduating with their class.  As for the 3 / 4 program, transition to Meharry is NOT automatic, but requires that the student maintain a GPA of 3.4 in the sciences and, based on current MCAT scoring, has at least a 24 on their MCAT.

Once accepted into the BA-MD program with Meharry Medical College, please note that you must plan to participate in all three of the next summers in programs at MMC. These programs prepare you for academic strength in all of the key disciplines as well as successful performance on the MCAT exam.

For more information about this program, Contact:

Dr. Phyllis Freeman 
Associate Professor
Pre-Health Coordinator

A dual degree for a Bachelors degree in Biology or Chemistry has been arranged between Fisk University and either Xavier University or Howard University. This program permits students to complete the core curriculum and prescribed major courses, as well as pharmacy prerequisite courses, during a three-year period at Fisk. The student then transfers to the College of Pharmacy at Xavier University or Howard University. Successful completion of the three-year program at Fisk and the first year of courses in  Pharmacy at Howard or Xavier Universities will satisfy requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree from Fisk.

Requirements for the professional degree in pharmacy at Howard, with the Doctor of Pharmacy option, should be completed during three or more additional years at that institution. Students who participate in this program are regular, full-time Fisk students for all administrative, academic, financial, and other purposes during the first three years of the program. Thereafter, they are regular, full-time students at Howard or Xavier University.

Pre-Pharmacy Requirements at Xavier University:

  • English I & I ( this requirement met by CORE 150 and 160)
  • General Chemistry I & II ( lecture and lab)
  • General Biology I
  • Microbiology ( lecture and lab*)
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Calculus- 1 semester
  • Bio-Statistics-1 semester*
  • Physics I (lecture and lab)
  • Organic Chemistry I & II (lecture and laboratory)
  • Biochemistry
  • Speech
  • Theology**
  • Philosophy

*Microbiology lab and Biostatistics are required for students transferring in 2014 and 2015, but not for students transferring in 2016.

**The required Theology course must have been offered through a Theology or Religion department.  Courses offered through other departments such as History, English, Philosophy, or Humanities will not be accepted. However, the College of Pharmacy will accept a Theology course from another institution if it is equivalent to a Theology course taught at Xavier University.  The course will have to be approved by Xavier’s Theology Department before it is accepted.

Xavier College of Pharmacy will accept on-line courses for any of the non-science courses EXCEPT the Fundamentals of Public Speaking course.  All math and science courses must be taken in a class room setting.

Pre-Pharmacy Requirements at Howard University:

  • English I & I ( this requirement met by CORE 150 and 160)
  • General Chemistry I & II ( lecture and lab)
  • General Biology I
  • Anatomy/Physiology I
  • Anatomy/Physiology II
  • Microbiology
  • Calculus
  • Physics I & II (lecture and lab)
  • Organic Chemistry I & II (lecture and laboratory)
  • Biochemistry
  • Speech

Students interested in Pre-engineering participate in one of our Dual Degree in Science and Engineering programs allowing a student to earn both a Bachelor's Degree from Fisk with a science major (Biology, Chemistry, Math and Computer Science and Physics) plus Bachelor's Degree from the partnering institution in Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering. This is a five-year program, with the first three years spent in residence at Fisk and the last two years spent living on the partner institution campus.

Note: It is up to the student with his or her advisors at both schools to figure out a way to work in the required courses in five years. This will be one of the student's greatest concerns since both schools offer some of the upper-level courses only once a year.

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